5 Must-Have Electric Bike Accessories

When you rent or purchase an electric bike, you need certain accessories to ensure your riding experience is perfect. The accessories might be necessary for safety, navigation, or entertainment purposes. You are also required to have certain accessories by law, hence you might get a traffic ticket if they are missing.

Some of these accessories come with the bike, while others have to be purchased separately. Here are five accessories you need when riding an electric bike rental.

Helmet To Protect your Head

When you purchase or rent an electric bike, the most important thing you need to get is a fitting helmet. You need to protect your head every time you ride your bike. If the electric bike rental place does not provide you with a helmet, ensure you get one before you start riding it.

Portable Air Pump

You shouldn’t leave your home without a portable air pump, especially when you intend to ride your electric bike rental for a long distance. If the tires have low pressure and you are alone in the middle of a trail, you might have to push the bike instead of riding it. A portable air pump will help you fill-up the tires when they have low PSI or after you have repaired a puncture.

Charger for the Electric Bike

Another important must-have electric bike accessory is a charger. When you take an electric bike rental on a ride, you should ensure it has enough charge, and you have a charger. You can use the charger to recharge the electric bike’s battery when taking a break.

A Cell Phone Mount

A cell phone mount is an important accessory that helps you use your phone without stopping the electric bike. You can place the cell phone mount on the handlebar, and each time you ride your bike, you can place your phone on the mount. You can use your phone while it is on the mount to get directions, secure it if you do not have pockets, collect data, make calls or listen to music.

Lock to Keep your Bike Safe

If you rent an electric bike and it gets stolen, you will be responsible for the loss. You need a secure lock to ensure the electric bike does not get stolen. You can use two or several locking systems to ensure the electric bike stays safe when you leave it unattended.

Accessorize Your Electric Bike

Accessories are important when riding an electric bike because they ensure you are safe, comfortable, and enjoying the ride. Other accessories you can add to your electric bike include front, basket, lights, tools, mirrors, and rear rack, among others.
