Horrendous Cheap Shot Boxing Referee Clip Shows Up on YouTube
By Robert Brizel, Head Real Combat Media Boxing Correspondent
In a new boxing clip up on YouTube, a foreign fighter is hit in the face with a cheap shot while on his knees on the canvas after getting knocked down somewhere in Europe, and the referee still tries to count the fighter out. The fighter beat the count, but the referee gave the bout to the offending boxer anyway, triggering an out of control melee in the ring.
Cheap Shot YouTube Boxing Clip
World famous referee Ron Lipton, when asked to screen the video clip on YouTube for Real Combat Media, replied the unknown referee’s actions were “Horrendous. It is insane!” Lipton condemned some of the recent referee outcomes on television without naming names, wondering how some television referees continue to get more fights.
The identity of the fighters, the date and the location remain a YouTube mystery, but the outcome is one of the worst professional boxing decisions in recent memory. The offending boxer should have been immediately disqualified for intentionally hitting a downed opponent, a flagrant violation of the rules. In many locales, the referees play favorites for the favorite when it should not be so. Watch the above clip, this is a prime example of what a boxer and a referee should NOT do in the ring, but it happens far too often, with safewty often compromised as well.