Then Bring Home the Bacon!!! Amazing revenue building not just for you but for the fighters,and the Gyms.With My built-in affiliate program you will have an army of fighters and gyms promoting your ppv event on auto pilot. Not only can the door bring in $$$ but what about friends and family that can’t come out to those sold out shows,or because it’s to far to travel for them. Well now you can easily and affordably build your audience with my proven marketing skills as well as the social media blowout that will happen when fighters and fans alike start promoting your ppv link.
Why ME Right? It don’t stop there I personally am a MMA fan and gym supporter as well as a Judge and timekeeper and breaking into announcing for the last two years. This has always been my weekend out for me and my family but during the week I am a steady and successful internet marketer.My methods and techniques will not only get your current local fan base attention but I run globally recognized websites with a steady viewership in the 100,000 range yeah that’s right people will start to see my ads and come and see what the action is and you have now gained the attention of the world with your promotion
Extra Sponsor Spots!! Even Better than that I’m not a greedy individual and I don’t intend on stealing anything from any ones viewers so included in every package is your own page with YOUR Sponsors not loaded with my ads but actually creating a new revenue stream for you to give to your sponsors. Imagine the Looks on their faces when you say ” well im not just putting you on the Banners at the Show but your logo will be right in front of the viewers face for about 4 hours” well to me and I know what advertisers are charging for exposure like that. That is just a golden ticket for return sponsor action as well as making your sponsor pool more diverse.
So Do I have your attention yet?!?!?!
Please Consider what I can do for you and your promotion company. I am not just another guy trying to make a dollar I am a fan a staff member and a dad to little MMA fans
My company assures that you and your Promotion, Gym’s and Fighters will be presented in the best possible light and the utmost respect will be given to your image.
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