Title: RCMGreece Boxing/MMA: Iron Barbie Maria Pantazi Training Camp in Italy By: Dimitris Papazoglou Final week for Maria Iron Barbie Pantazi‘s training camp in Italy. Greek female champion is feeling great and she is going for the kill. She will fight in France on Dec. 15th in a 7×2 rounds WKN World Title fight (60,3kg). Iron […]
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Tag: wkn
RCMGreece Boxing/MMA: Iron Barbie Maria Pantazi prepares for WKN World Title in Italy
Title: RCMGreece Boxing/MMA: Iron Barbie Maria Pantazi prepares for WKN World Title in Italy By: Dimitris Papazoglou Greek World K-1 female Champion Iron Barbie Pantazi is in Italy as she prepares for the WKN World Title. Busy schedule for the Greek Champion in the next 2 weeks. Sparring sessions with world class champions as […]