by: Jonathan King The Clinch Report
Patricio Pitbull v Pat Curran
Round1: Feeling out process immediately eats up the first minute. Pitbull circling, not much for the first 3 minutes both fighters very wary of the others power. Curran using his range to land with the jab and cross. Not much action in the first round both fighters are obviously preparing for a long bout. I give it to Curran in a close 10-9
Round2: Pitbull beginning to land in bunches and finishing with the leg kick. Pitbull bleeding from the nose, after a long right hand from Curran. The champion tosses Pitbull to the mat, but Pitbull bounces back up! Curran landing with the jab, Pitbull landing with the kicks. another close round could go either way but we have Curran winning another 10-9 close round.
Round3: Pitbull starting to pen up with dynamic strikes. Flying knees, and combinations beginning to land, and still landing leg kicks. Curran landing now to the body of Pitbull. Curran backing up as Pitbull stalks. Flying knee by Curran misses, round ends. we are calling a 10-9 round for Pitbull but again very close could go either way!
Round4: Curran backing up as Pitbull flurries, a right hand lands to the back of the head and the ref seperates. A touch of the gloves, and Curran opens up with a 4 punch combination. Now Curran stalking. Pitbull shoots he has a single but a opposite flying knee, breaks the clinch. Curran again lands a hard one two combination. The round ends again, very close, but I have Curran 10-9
Round5: Both fighters trading ones and twos, as Pitbull shoots, Curran lands a big right hand stopping the take down attempt. Curran lands a liver kick that is caught, and breaks free with a straight right to the head. Curran shoots but to no avail. Both fighters standing in the center of the cage, as Pitbull stalks. Pitbull is hurt by a big left hand. Curran cautiously closes in with a few straight punches that find there mark. Pitbull is gassed. Elbow by Curran lands in the clinch. Pitbull flurries with the last 20 seconds. Both fighters are landing as the bell sounds. Again very close but have to give Curran the nod 10-9 Have him wining the fight 4 rounds to 1.
Pat Curran wins by Split Decision.
Mikhail Zayats v Renato ‘Babalu’ Sobral
round1: Babalu starts out pawing with the jab, pushing Zayats backwards. Up against the cage Babaluu begins to land with the dirty boxing and the elbows. Big John separates the fighters. Zayats lands a big right, but lands low on Babalu. Big John gives Sobral a minute to recover but he doesnt need it! now there back in the center of the cage. Back up against the fence, Babalu controls the clinch. Again big John separates the fighters. Zayats lands big spinning backfist Babalu is in trouble. Zayats landing as Babalu gets on his bicycle. Left hands drops Babalu, Zayats swarms Babalu on the ground with vicious hammer fists. And that is it! Big John steps in. Mikhail Zayats wins by TKO Big upset, moves Zayats on to the semi finals of the light heavyweight division.
Rick Hawn v Michael Chandler
round1: Both fighters are feeling each other out, as the circle Chandler lands an uppercut but Hawn counters with a leg kick. Big take down by the champion. Hawn working from guard, looking to secure an arm. Hawn very busy from his closed guard. Chandler very busy, but cannot seem to posture up. Hawn is controlling with a body lock from guard. Both fighters stand and Hawn lands a big left hand. But Chandler still coming forward. Round ends, with Chandler seemingly ahead 10-9 with his wrestling.
round2: Round two begins with Chandler taking Hawn down after a quick clinch. Hawn able to regain his feet, but immediately taken down again by Chandler. This time Hawn is on is his side, and Chandler quickly transitions. to the back, where he secures the choke yanking Hawn backwards before securing the tap. Winner Michael Chandler by submission Rear Naked Choke.
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