Title: RCMGreece Boxing/MMA: Lamonakis makes 7th win By: Dimitris Papazoglou Greek female heavyweight native Sonya Lamonakis (7-0-2, 1 KO) won a hard fought majority decision over Tanzee Daniels (4-2-1, 1 KO) in a six female heavyweight matchup. Jurges had it on cards 59-55 twice and 57=57. The fight was close but Lamonakis manage to land more […]
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Tag: the scholar
RCMGreece Boxing/MMA: Sonya “the Scholar” Lamonakis Greek-native female boxer on HBO
Title: RCMGreece Boxing/MMA: Sonya “the Scholar” Lamonakis Greek-native female boxer on HBO By: Dimitris Papazoglou Greek native female boxer Sonya “The Scholar” Lamonakis (6-0-2,1KO) will fight on Saturday Night’s “ROAD TO GLORY” Show HBO BAD tripleheader Sept. 29 at MGM Grand at Foxwoods Resort Casino. Heavyweight teacher Lamonakis will face Tanzee Daniels(4-1-1,1KO). video: old interview of Lamonakis… […]