Mandatory Photo Credit: Stephen R. Sylvanie-USA TODAY Sports UFC 175 RESULTS VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS POST PRESS CONFERENCE UFC 175 RESULTS Ronda Rousey def. Alexis Davis via knockout (punches) – Round 1, 0:16 Uriah Hall def. Thiago “Marreta” Santos via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27) Russell Doane def. Marcus Brimage via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 30-27) Urijah […]
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Tag: mma news
RCMGreece Boxing/MMA: K-1 Announcement about WAKO & SuperKombat
Title: K-1 Announcement about WAKO & SuperKombat By: Dimitris Papazoglou K-1 Global Holdings, WAKO (World Association Kickboxing Organization), and SuperKombat have signed the Worldwide Cooperation Agreement to form a strategic and cooperative partnership. Agreement Summary: 1. The three organizations (K-1, WAKO, SuperKombat) agree to create a global synergy and help and support each other worldwide. 2. […]
DON’T MISS THE ACTION-PACKED PREMIERE OF THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER® TONIGHT ON FX SEASON BEGINS WITH A SPECIAL TWO-HOUR EPISODE AT 8 PM ET/PT Las Vegas, Nevada – The world’s longest running sports reality TV series is back as The Ultimate Fighter® returns for its exciting 17th season TONIGHT at 8 p.m. ET/PT on FX with a special two-hour premier show. […]
RCMGreece Boxing/MMA : Greek Wrestling Federation Postpones National Championships due to economical crisis (Gr Version only)
Title:RCMGreece Boxing/MMA : Greek Wrestling Federation Postpones National Championships due to economical crisis (Gr Version only) By: Thanos Stratigos (GrVersion) Η οικονομική κρίση χτυπάει την πάλη. Η οικονομική κρίση χτυπάει την πάλη , δύστυχος ένα ολυμπιακό άθλημα με επιτυχίες για τους ‘Eλληνες αθλητές βρίσκετε σε δυσάρεστη κατάσταση. Η Ελληνική Ομοσπονδία Φιλάθλων Πάλης τροποποιεί το Αγωνιστικό […]
RCMGreece Boxing/MMA: The Master Interview Part 1
Title: RCMGreece Boxing/MMA: The Master Interview Part 1 By: Dimitris Papazoglou, Thanos Stratigos Areti The Master Mastrodouka meets with RealCombatMedia Greece and talks about how she captured her International Womens Masters Title. stay tuned for part 2 as she analyses her fight round by round!!! GRVersion Το RealCombatMedia Greece συναντά την Αρετή Μαστροδούκα η οποία μας […]
RCMGreece Boxing/MMA: Iron Barbie Maria Pantazi Training Camp in Italy update
Title: RCMGreece Boxing/MMA: Iron Barbie Maria Pantazi Training Camp in Italy By: Dimitris Papazoglou Final week for Maria Iron Barbie Pantazi‘s training camp in Italy. Greek female champion is feeling great and she is going for the kill. She will fight in France on Dec. 15th in a 7×2 rounds WKN World Title fight (60,3kg). Iron […]
RCMGreece Boxing/MMA: Iron Barbie Maria Pantazi prepares for WKN World Title in Italy
Title: RCMGreece Boxing/MMA: Iron Barbie Maria Pantazi prepares for WKN World Title in Italy By: Dimitris Papazoglou Greek World K-1 female Champion Iron Barbie Pantazi is in Italy as she prepares for the WKN World Title. Busy schedule for the Greek Champion in the next 2 weeks. Sparring sessions with world class champions as […]