Deontay Wilder speaks to Real Combat Media Radio

By Jon. Campbell: Deontay Wilder spoke to BoxingJonUK and the Boxing Maniac about his career and future possible opponents. He discusses specifically Bryant Jennings and a desire to take on all the best American Heavyweights before tackling the top Europeans. DONATE TO THE VICTIMS OF HURRICANE SANDY : HELP STOP WORLD HUNGER: LEARN HOW TO FIGHT, WORKOUT & IMPROVE ENDURANCE: RCM MMA  & BOXING STORE  We are always looking for new talent for the fastest growing US and UK based, Combat website. We have openings for the following positions – Internet Sales Advertising, Boxing Correspondents, MMA Correspondents and voluntary Radio Correspondents. There are also plenty of advertising and sponsorship opportunitiesavailable on our website for your business If you are a career minded individual and serious about starting a career or continuing your career in combat journalism, our contacts are below.

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